Rapid7 Public Policy

Consumers, businesses, and governments increasingly rely on interconnected and complex technologies. Enabling society to safely reap the benefits of this progress requires strong cybersecurity policies, practices, and awareness. To advance this cause, Rapid7 works with governments, companies, non-profits, and experts to shape policies, standards, 以及有利于消费者和维护负责任的网络安全从业人员的立法.

Our Policy Work

Computer Access Laws

Laws restricting computer access and use should carefully balance the need to combat cybercrime with the value of supporting security research, innovation, and other legitimate activity.


独立的安全研究对推进网络安全具有重要意义, but the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) makes little distinction between beneficial research and malicious hacking. We support responsible CFAA reforms and clarifications to protectshield security researchers and internet users from overbroad liability.

UK Computer Misuse Act

英国的《pg电子》(CMA)危害了防御性安全工具的共享, 不承认诚信安全研究的重要性, 并且未能定义访问系统的授权构成. Rapid7 supports sensible reforms that clarify these issues and advance cybersecurity without creating opportunities for abuses.


Rapid7 occasionally advises states on computer access laws to protect consumers and businesses while avoiding obstacles to research and innovation.

Hack Back

Authorizing private entities to take active measures in retaliation against hacking risks undermining cybersecurity and causing collateral damage.

Meet the Team

Sabeen Malik
Vice President of Global Government Affairs and Public Policy

Sabeen Malik是Rapid7全球政府事务和公共政策副总裁. She has spent her education and career pursuits becoming a thought leader on digital economy and tech policy issues, law and economic development, innovation economies, and next-generation emerging technology and economic trends. Sabeen has worked in the private and public sector, including at Thumbtack, Google, and the United States Department of State where she served as a senior tech advisor to the Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment. 同时对商业和经济问题的全球技术趋势充满热情, she also is an expert on bridging differences with the public and private sector to create international partnerships that solve global problems. 萨宾在几个董事会任职,是杜鲁门国家安全研究员, Aspen Socrates Fellow, Atlantic Council Non Resident Fellow, and Stimson Loomis Council member. She has spoken at the World Bank, the UN, and the White House.

Deral Heiland
Principal Security Consultant

daral Heiland CISSP担任Rapid7的研究主管(IoT). 他在信息技术领域拥有超过20年的经验, 曾担任多个职位,包括:高级网络分析师, Network Administrator, Database Manager, 财务系统经理和高级信息安全分析师. 在过去的10多年里,Deral的职业生涯一直专注于安全研究, security assessments, penetration testing, and consulting for corporations and government agencies. 联邦政府还对许多技术课题进行了安全研究, releasing white papers, security advisories, and has presented the information at numerous national and international security conferences including Blackhat, Defcon, Shmoocon, DerbyCon, RSAC, Hack In Paris. Deral has been interviewed by and quoted by several media outlets and publications including ABC World News Tonight, BBC, Consumer Reports, MIT Technical Review, SC Magazine, Threat Post and The Register.